
I'm in Holiday Crafts Magazine! Woot!

Yeay, it's here! The Better Homes and Gardens "Holiday Crafts" magazine is out on newsstands now!
The cabinet door that I painted for Terrye French's "Painting With Friends," is on page 21. It has all the instructions on page 32 and, the pattern in the middle, of course. :) There are lots of other terrific crafts for the Holidays,too! I love the paper

This is the original piece. I had already 
sold it on Etsy.I painted 
a second one to send to BHandG.

We ran across the magazine quite by accident, as we were checking out at Wal Mart. Hubby saw it first. (Thank you, dear!) I had to buy at least 5 copies!  I was so excited that I had to show it to the cashier and the lady in line behind us! LoL!

In case you'd rather buy the e-pattern directly, and INstantly start painting, just head on over to the Painting With Friends site, OR my Etsy shop... Oakleaf Hollow Primitives.

I want to send a BIG Thank-You to Terrye French and the Painting With Friends Folks....also the sweet ladies over at Holiday Crafts magazine who helped me through the whole process! 

I am still on Cloud 9!!
Hugs to all!


lizziebusy said...

Congrats! Love your painting!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

How Exciting! I'm so Happy for you! i will sure be on the look out for this magazine!


Barb said...

Congratulations Julie!
Now to go get the magazine!!

Oakleaf Hollow Primitives said...

Thanks, Y'all! :)

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

How exciting!! You cracked me up about showing the cashier and another lady in line... I would have done the same thing, haha. Congratulations!!!